The History of Scotch Whisky

by Winston Hughes on 01/09/14

The Early Origins of Scotch Whisky

The earliest mention of what is now called Scotch Whisky appears in a tax record from 1494 which refers to an order for “Eight bolls of malt to Friar John Cor wherewith to make aqua vitae.” This amount of malt would have produced almost 1500 bottles of the spirits, suggesting that the aqua vitae industry was well-established at this time. This aqua vitae evolved from a drink called uisge beatha; both names mean “water of life,” or “lively water.” The Gaelic word for this product was usquebaugh which was shortened, phonetically, to “usky.” The modern word “whisky” is a modernization of this “usky.”

The Role of Monasteries

Beginning as early as the late Twelfth Century, monks were producing aqua vitae for medicinal purposes. Aqua vitae was used in monasteries for the treatment of colic, palsy, and smallpox; it was even recommended for the prolongation of life. During the 15th Century, the quality of aqua vitae began to improve because of better distillation methods and because the monasteries began to dissolve around this time, allowing monks to put their skills to use in public distilleries. The introduction of the monks into the public industry led to a dissemination of knowledge about the distillation process.

King James IV and his “Ardent Spirits”

In 1505, King James IV – known for his love of “ardent spirits” – granted the Guild of Surgeon Barbers in Edinburgh a monopoly over the manufacture of aqua vitae. Although aqua vitae was likely consumed for recreation at this time, the fact that King James IV believed the manufacture of it belonged in the medical community indicates the perceived medicinal properties of the spirits. A year later, records show that King James IV ordered aqua vitae from the local barbers for his personal use and, presumably, for his drinking pleasure.

History of Taxation

The earliest record of Scotch Whisky being subject to taxes occurs in 1644. Tax rates continued to increase over the next several decades as part of England's efforts to subjugate the wild clans of Scotland. In 1707, the Act of Union with England caused most distillers to begin producing Scotch illegally. Smuggling became a common occurrence for over a century; by 1780, there were only eight legal distilleries in Scotland, compared to 400 illegal ones. Heavy taxation ceased with the Excise Act of 1823, which reduced restrictions on the production of Scotch Whisky while also making it more difficult for illegal stills to operate. During the 1820s, thousands of illegal stills were confiscated.

The Coffey Still and the Phylloxera Beetle: Scotch Whisky's Popularization

In 1831, Aeneas Coffey invented the Coffey Still. The Coffey still, also known as the Patent or Column Still, made it possible to incorporate several distillation steps in one continuous process resulting in a Scotch Whisky with a milder, smoother taste. The destruction of French crops used to produce cognac and wine by the phlloxera beetle in 1880 completed Scotch's popularization. The pleasing change in taste and increased ease of production combined with the catastrophe in France led to Scotch Whisky becoming the spirit of choice for consumers.

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