One of the draws of October Mountain is Schermerhorn Gorge, which has falls some 30 feet tall. All around the forest though, there are plenty of streams and mini gorges that make for excellent exploring. When the park was established in 1915, “Approximately 1,000 acres of this land was a game preserve, supporting buffalo, elk, black tailed and Virginia deer, moose, and a aviary of pheasants, grouse, quail, Belgian hare, and angora sheep. “
Now it’s mostly deer and black bears that make for the best wildlife spotting.
Packed with dense conifers and hiking trails, there is still some hunting allowed in the park. Check with the but in general the guidelines are pretty straightforward Archery is permitted Mid-October through the first Saturday after Thanksgiving. Shotguns are permitted the first Monday after Thanksgiving through the third Saturday in December, and muzzle loaders from the Third Monday in December through December 31.
The Berkshires and October Mountain are also home to some fantastic fishing. If you’re looking for lessons and guides, check with Berkshire Rivers Fly Fishing.